Hochzeit in der schweiz - meisterhaftes vorbild - authentische, emotionale Hochzeitsfotos in der Schweiz

Planen Sie Ihre Hochzeit im Ausland feiern? Sie sind jedoch im Erraten, welches der europäischen Länder Vorrang hat? Dann wetten Sie auf fabelhafte Schweiz, Sie werden nie die falsche Wahl treffen. Es ist nur notwendig, sich eine Ehe vor dem Hintergrund der atemberaubenden Natur, alten Burgen und Schneealpen vorzustellen, und das Brautpaar kann der Verlockung nicht widerstehen. Und all diese unvergesslichen Momente bleiben in Erinnerung, wenn sie auf dem Film zuverlässig und qualitativ festgehalten sind. Bei solchen Feierlichkeiten wird der Hochzeitsfotograf in der Schweiz unersetzlich sein, dessen Dienste zu einem magischen „Zauberstab - Helfer“ werden.

Schließlich kann ein solcher Künstler das Fest auf höchstem Niveau verewigen und ihm eine fehlende Realität und attraktive Faszination geben. Von Anfang ab der bis zu Ende der Hochzeit wird er alles tun, um die wichtigsten Szenen und einzigartigen Momente nicht zu verpassen. Und sein professioneller Rat wird übrigens sehr zupass kommen. Dank der Fähigkeiten des Fotografen können die Jungverheirateten und die Hochzeitsgäste das Hochzeitsereignis noch einmal erleben und größten Gefallen finden. Ist es möglich, eine anständige Gelegenheit zu verpassen, immer Hochzeitsfotos zu genießen?

Hochzeitsfotosession - eine riesige und schicke Auswahl für einzigartige Inszenierungen

Genau in der Schweiz werden ungewöhnliche und erstaunliche Möglichkeiten für eine Fotosession eröffnet werden. Zu den beliebtesten gehören der Panoramablick auf die Alpen, verschiedene Ansichten von grünen Wiesen, Frontalrahmen von Plätzen und Straßen. Und das ist nicht alles, was das Paradies auf Erden zu bieten hat. Vor allem Hochzeitsfotos, die vor dem Hintergrund von Berggipfeln und herrlichen Seen gemacht wurden, sind jedoch von besonderem Nutzen. In einem unübertroffenen Tandem mit Landschaft und Natur werden die Jungverheirateten erstaunlich aussehen und echte Begeisterung für ihre Umgebung hervorrufen.

Ebenso interessant in Bezug auf Design und Attraktivität sind die alten Schlösser und majestätischen Kathedralen, in denen Sie den perfekten Ort für eine auswärtige Fotosession finden. Mit dem kompetenten Hinweis des Fotografen werden unübertroffene und malerische Szenen geschaffen, von denen jeder Braut und Bräutigam träumen. Am Ende erhält das junge Paar garantiert das begehrte und qualitativ hochwertige Fotoalbum, das den Liebsten sicher gefallen und angenehme Erinnerungen vermitteln wird. Nutzen Sie den Service eines Fotografen und Ihre Hochzeit wird davon definitiv profitieren!

10 Tips to Looking More Photogenic in Photos

Do you have a friend who always looks good in photos? We will tell you the secrets so you will be able to compete with her or him in photogenicity.

We are sure these tips will change your accepting of yourself in the photos. You will never have the unflattering photos again. It is no doubt that following our advice you will be posing for a photo in another way you do it now.  But of course, knowledge and skills come with practice, so it's better for you to try some of them that are more complicated when you are alone and no one can disturb you. That's all, let's begin.

1. Show the left side of your face. Although it is believed that people are aware of their “good side,” according to photographer Garance Doré, our left side of the face is better than the right one.

2. The person who stands the closest to the camera looks extremely larger than others, so don't do this. Stand on an even plane with the other people in the photo.

3. When you seat, photos of you should be taken from above. Tilt your face up to meet the camera. This tip will help to define your jaw.

4. Turn your head slightly. This will make your action more flattering than facing the camera straight-on. And your cheekbones will be featured well!

5. Full-length photos of you should be taken from a lower angle. Remember to say about this to your friends or your photographer if they don't know. A lower angle visually stretches your figure and allows you to look taller and slimmer.

6. If you post the photo, crop it in order to get the better result. Your body should fill the entire frame. This tip will produce the illusion of vertical length.

7. Always look toward a light when you are being photographed. The light will shrink your pupils and that will reduce the horrible red-eye in your photo.

8. We have chosen 4 steps how to smile naturally in the photo. 1)  Close your eyes and relax. 2) Breathe calmly. 3) Open your eyes just before the photo should be taken (before the shutter clicks). 4) Smile.

9. The films and newspapers have always told us to tell "cheese" when we are being photographed. But now, many photographers advise their models to say "money"! Yes, "money", everything is right. It is because the hard "e" sound at the end of word "money" makes the corners of mouth go up. This action makes eyes crinkle, which will create the illusion of a natural smile.

10. It is always better to put your tongue behind your teeth when you smile. This tip can help to avoid a wide grin. Remember that not only your smile should be natural; your eyes, as well, have to show that you are happy.

How to Look Great in Photos

How to look great in photos? Most people are asking themselves this question every time they are going to have their photo taken. Today we have an answer: 9 secrets to look charming in photos.

1. A natural smile is the best kind of smile. Be positive! Ask somebody to tell you a joke in order to make your face look natural and happy!

2. Most models advise crossing your legs while you are having your photo taken. It will make you look thinner.

3. To avoid a double chin, move your chin a little forward and down. You will surely look great even if you might feel strange.

4. Use the magical power of your eyes! Every person is unique and eyes are the mirror of the soul. Don't forget about that. Strengthen the impact of your eyes by making them more open and expressive. Remember that the lights should hit them and your eyes will twinkle!

5. In a group shot, you have to make sure that everybody of the group is standing on the same distance from the camera. Remember that if one of you is closer to the lens, he/she will look bigger than the others. It might spoil your photo.

6. Eyebrows reveal emotions and a type of the character. You might use a darker pencil to emphasise your eyebrows since face colours tend to look lighter in photographs.

7. Define your better side! Look at the mirror, then take a few selfies of each side and compare pictures to see which side you like most. It will give confidence to you when you have a new photo shoot.

8. A white wall as a backdrop will brighten your face. Besides, white backdrop helps a camera to find the appropriate colour balance which will make your skin look natural and fresh.

9. Many people think that they are unphotogenic. They have few pictures and taking a photo is absolutely one of the hardest events for them. But to think so means to accept a widespread mistake as a truth. Do you know how many shots are taken to have only one good photo of a model? Try to be in so many pictures as only you can.  Remember that photographer can make 100 shots and only one of them will be worth hanging on a wall.

The 4 Most Common Questions About Photography

Today we will discuss and answer the most common questions about photography in Zurich to help new shooters start your journey in the world of photography.

1. What is “manual mode”?

The name speaks for itself. Using this mode, the photographer is able to control the process of taking a photo. Everything should be set manually: ISO, aperture, white balance, shutter speed etc.  Manual mode can be very productive and effective if you use it properly. Photos made in manual mode can be more clear and pleasant to the eye. Just take more photos, try different combinations of settings and analyze your results.

2. Is it so necessary to edit all of your photos?

All in all, yes you should. Of course, the first and the main step is to take a good photo but the second one is editing which will improve your image and make it the finished product. Some photographers prefer to make their photos more artistic and expressive with editing while others - just make them more clear and colorful. The choice how to improve your image depends on you.

3. What gear is the best to take great photos?

First of all, you should define what type of photography you like. But for beginners, it is recommended to start with 50mm lens as they give good opportunities to discover the world of photography. It's the best starter, obviously.  Then, you will be able to change your preferences to wide lenses. If you like zoom, you will find many lenses with it as well. We have listed some lens examples: 200mm, 132mm, 100mm (macro), 50mm, 35mm, 24mm.

4.  What are JPG and RAW? Do they differ?

JPG is considered to be the most common file format for digital photographs. Different sizes of JPG can be stored on your camera as well as your camera can be set to shoot various size of JPG. The negative side of JPG is that much detail is lost when the photo is taken this way. While taking JPG images, the camera does some automatic processing which ends that when you edit your image you don't have as much data to work with as it should be. This might make hard to recover improperly exposed parts of photos which leads to bad photography. But, it doesn't happen often, so don't worry.

Photos having taken with RAW file format save all of the detail available to the camera sensor, so RAW format allows to take uncompressed and unprocessed shots. That's why RAW files are absolutely unedited and should be post-processed.

Children’s Photographer in Zurich

The most of professional photographers in Zurich believe that the ideal age for making baby sessions is 6-8 months. At this special age children are looking so happy and attractively smiling! Is the great juncture for adorable professional photographs in Zurich, when your child is sitting up. They no longer need to be propped up for the camera and are quite curious and alert.

What’s about newborns, it’s very important to identify their happy times in a usual daily routine. In fact, photographers in Zurich recommend making lovely pictures during the bath time or feeding. In this time kids are looking settled and content. Also there are is a great number of the “first” times: for example, first time with Dad or Mom, first feeding, first manicure of first meeting with grandparents. It’s not only the documentary style photo session, but is the portrait style too. Many photographers in Zurich prefer to use black&white format for the newborns children. The main reason to do this is making the babies looking so soft on the pictures!

Newborn phase passes so quickly, and is often preoccupied with many adjustments and distractions that make it nearly impossible to capture this time well on your own. The ideal time to have your newborn photographed is within this first two weeks of life, when they are at their sleepiest and most cooperative and can be curled into beautiful poses. Your child will never be so small and pliable again. It’s wonderful to have this time captured forever.

One year age is the perfect time to capture new walkers. It can be a challenge, as toddlers are often looking down at their feet and scooting away from the camera. However, this phase of new discovery offers a great opportunity for serendipitous shots of your child in action.

In opinion of the photographers in Zurich, at the age of 3-4 years old, the child is now full of personality and sometimes there’s a new baby in the family, too. It’s a great time to get both children photographed together.

Going to the professional children’s photographer in Zurich, don’t forget to take with you the favorite toy, as it’ll be very useful in making sincere happy smile. Also it’s necessary to have a little snack and drink. By the way, the different hats, glasses and ties can help to add the character to a children’s portrait.

The opportunities for creativity in pictures of the photographers in Zurich are always endless!

Business Photographer in Switzerland

Business photography concentrates on people's needs. Corporate portraits, events, and documentaries are a vital part of working life.

Nowadays, companies without high-quality business photos are falling behind as advertising plays a significant role on the market. Only professional business photos can attract the attention of clients by adding instant personality to materials the company is dealing with. Due to business photography, it is possible to bring your image and brand into focus.

Business photographer in Switzerland can make your work easier by taking corporate portraits of different events and help you in achieving your communication, marketing and advertising goals.

Where Can We Use Business Photos

Business photography creates an image of the company; it helps a brand to be recognized and popular. There are some examples of effective business photography usage:

Advertising and Marketing

Professional business photos always reflect the uniqueness of the company that is essential for attracting clients.

Corporate Websites and Business Cards (or Even More)

A website of any company is a special place where a client might meet the company for the first time and to obtain his/her first impression. Make lasting impressions by using high-quality business photos for your company.

Relations with Investors

Annual reports, presentations, investors dossiers should contain business photos to strengthen relationships with investors.

Social Networking

You can use networking sites to stay in contact with your clients. Professional business photos help to make your company recognizable and trendy.

Employee Recognition

Personalize each and every of employees by recognizing their business photos! It will build up their respect and trust to you.

Street/Portrait Photographer in Zurich

Street Photography – What It Is?

Street photography is a genre of photography showing photos taken in a public place. It throws light on people's life and experience within the bounders of the city. Street photography is a dynamic photo in the urban environment: on the street, in a park, on the beach, etc. Street photography is also connected with architectural photography.

The main idea of street photography still remains the same - to outline the soul of a city. The photographer tries to show the connection between the people and the city they live in. Besides, street photos are often night photos because only a night city can be really open, mystic and cosy to its visitors and inhabitants.

What can be better than the charming photos of you in the background of the city which is famous for its magnificent architecture? Street photos of you in Zurich will bring something special to your everyday life.

Portrait – A Mirror

Portrait is trying to show personalities of people. If to combine street photography and portrait we will get a sub-genre called street portrait which is focused on the presentation of people in urban surroundings.

Imagine yourself in the ancient centre of Zurich where old tradition has been kept through centuries. It's the best place of taking photos of you and your family or friends. Street photography can document your life while you are doing your everyday routine. You don’t have to be prepared for a photo; it will be taken in the time when you are not ready. It's important for the best 'shoots' as street photographers say.

Street/Portrait photographer in Zurich can help you to make fabulous photos in which you will look totally natural and beautiful. Don’t hesitate to make yourself happy! Enjoy photos in the background of Zurich!

Top 5 Reasons to Visit Switzerland

Switzerland isn't a big country but it has much to offer. It is safer than other places in Europe as its crime rate is practically zero. It has one of the best transport systems in the world. Alpine resorts and magnificent mountains scenery attract visitors from every corner of the planet. In the article, we collected top reasons to visit this unique country. Let's consider them closer.

1. Switzerland is incredibly clean!

You may not be afraid of using public restrooms in Switzerland. They are incredibly clean in the train stations as well as in your hotel room. And we are talking not just about the public restrooms, but about the country's public transit, streets, and fountains in general. Imagine, you might drink from most of the fountains in the street!

2. Switzerland's public transportation system

Switzerland's public transportation system will make your traveling comfortable and easy. There is no need to rent a car. The Swiss trains will show you all the beautiful places with just one ticket that suits for different kinds of transportation.

3. The mother of the Swiss Alps

If you like skiing or hiking Swiss Alps is an ideal area for your holidays. But if you don't like sports, just looking at Swiss mountains may change your life forever. The Matterhorn is considered to be a heart of the Swiss Alps. It is the most photographed mountain in the world.

4. Fairy-tale castles

There are breath-taking castles throughout the territory of Switzerland. If you want to transport yourself to the ancient times of warriors and princesses, Switzerland is waiting for you!

5. Wonderful waterfalls

Great waterfalls of Switzerland will impress you by their size and sound. The Rhine Falls near Schaffhausen, for example, is the biggest plain waterfall in Europe. The waters of the Staubbach Falls are turning into a spray of mist in summer. And many other incredible places are waiting for you!

Don't forget to take a photographer on your journey! Photos will bring your memories back to you even through the pass of time.

Hiring a photographer in Zurich for family photo session or wedding pictures

Prior to hiring a wedding photographer in Zurich, you will certainly meet him for discussing all details of the oncoming photo shoot. And it is very likely that you will ask him some sensitive questions about his services – and this requires a subtle approach. Sure, a professional wedding photographer is not a milk-and-water girl and you have a right to make things clear. But on the other hand, you need to remember that you turned to a professional and you chose him because you liked his work. That's why it will be smart of you to ask correct questions in a tactful form and then you will get informative answers without any negative emotions.

To begin with, many people tend to ask "why are your services so expensive?". But "expensive" is something relative, and if you think that services of your wedding photographer in Switzerland cost too much, there may be many other people who find the price to be acceptable or even low. Besides, different photographers have different pricing policy, so the correct question is "what services are included in the cost of a wedding photo shoot?". A higher price can be explained by more hours covered or more photos printed, by appropriate retouching or shorter terms of post-production. Find this out and only then make a conclusion whether you need a more affordable photographer in Zurich.

"Why should we have a photo shoot session in this studio (park, garden or another venue)?". This is another type of common questions to a photographer in Switzerland, as if he forces you to have your wedding session on a location you don’t like. But if you amicably ask "what are your reasons for choosing exactly this location?", the photographer will surely share his arguments with you. In fact, a professional wedding photographer in Zurich makes his choice regarding the photo shoot session location based on wedding style, number of participants, time, season and many other factors you may not even think about. It's easier for a professional to summarize all the information and then to choose a perfect scenery for a photo shoot.

These are only several examples of questions about wedding photography that can poison relations between you and your wedding photographer in Switzerland from the jump. To avoid this, get into the habit of asking your questions in a form of discussion or suggestion rather than demand. The latter is self-defeating: if you want a photographer just to execute your commands, than why to spend your money on hiring a professional?

Prior to hiring a wedding photographer in Zurich, you will certainly meet him for discussing all details of the oncoming photo shoot. And it is very likely that you will ask him some sensitive questions about his services – and this requires a subtle approach. Sure, a professional wedding photographer is not a milk-and-water girl and you have a right to make things clear. But on the other hand, you need to remember that you turned to a professional and you chose him because you liked his work. That's why it will be smart of you to ask correct questions in a tactful form and then you will get informative answers without any negative emotions.

To begin with, many people tend to ask "why are your services so expensive?". But "expensive" is something relative, and if you think that services of your wedding photographer in Switzerland cost too much, there may be many other people who find the price to be acceptable or even low. Besides, different photographers have different pricing policy, so the correct question is "what services are included in the cost of a wedding photo shoot?". A higher price can be explained by more hours covered or more photos printed, by appropriate retouching or shorter terms of post-production. Find this out and only then make a conclusion whether you need a more affordable photographer in Zurich.

"Why should we have a photo shoot session in this studio (park, garden or another venue)?". This is another type of common questions to a photographer in Switzerland, as if he forces you to have your wedding session on a location you don’t like. But if you amicably ask "what are your reasons for choosing exactly this location?", the photographer will surely share his arguments with you. In fact, a professional wedding photographer in Zurich makes his choice regarding the photo shoot session location based on wedding style, number of participants, time, season and many other factors you may not even think about. It's easier for a professional to summarize all the information and then to choose a perfect scenery for a photo shoot.

These are only several examples of questions about wedding photography that can poison relations between you and your wedding photographer in Switzerland from the jump. To avoid this, get into the habit of asking your questions in a form of discussion or suggestion rather than demand. The latter is self-defeating: if you want a photographer just to execute your commands, than why to spend your money on hiring a professional?

Couple portraits for those who have fallen in love

Couples photography can be tricky because no one really wants to look at corny shots of googly-eyed lovers swooning over each other. That's not because people are fundamentally grouchy, it's because couples photos really ought to be described with adjectives like "sweet," "cute" or "lovely," not "cheesy," "embarrassing" or "gag-worthy." So how do the photographers in Switzerland avoid stepping over that line?

The first thing the photographers in Switzerland do is think creatively. That clichéd image of two people staring into each other's eyes, no matter how tastefully the photographer sets it up, is still just another photo of two people staring into each other's eyes. So the photographers in Switzerland avoid that shot, unless it happens very naturally. Instead, they try the creative ideas, and then expand upon them until theu've developed their own style for taking natural-looking (uncheesy) couples photos.

Many photographers try to rigidly control their photo shoots instead of letting their subjects take the lead. The photographers in Switzerland remember that couples photos in particular are not about two people as individuals - they are about two individuals who have chosen to be a couple. The way their subjects interact with each other is what will make a strong photograph in Switzerland, and it's hard to achieve this when they're constantly barking orders at their subjects. Instead, the photographers in Switzerland give them suggestions and see what happens. If the photographers have some time, they go to a scenic location (preferably a place where the couple has a history) and just ask them to behave naturally

It's difficult to relax and act natural when someone is sticking a camera in somebody’s face. A zoom lens will give you a chance to step back and give your subjects a little bit of space. The longer lens, using by the photographers in Switzerland, will help make the couple feel more like a twosome and less like a twosome with a third wheel.

Props have the dual benefit of adding that extra little bit of interest to the images of the photographers in Switzerland while giving their subjects something to focus on (besides photographer and photographer’s camera). Subjects who are occupied with a prop will be more relaxed and natural in front of the camera. Props can be fun, too, which means the photographer in Switzerland may also be able to get some humorous and/or candid shots. Hearts are obvious props to use in couples photography; so are flowers. These classic symbols of romance have been around for centuries, but the fact is that they are so entrenched in our collective psyche that they're really more mainstream than cliché. Used tastefully, there are plenty of creative applications for hearts and flowers. The photographers in Switzerland try drawing some hearts in the sand on the beach, or take a long shot of their couple with flowers in the foreground. Other props might include a ring, a shared umbrella on a rainy day or even words and letters: "love," "forever," the couple's names or an ampersand placed between the two of them can give your image a sweetness that it wouldn't otherwise have.

How to Make Dynamic Photography Compositions - photo school theory - wedding, lifestyle, family photographer in Zurich and Switzerland

What is a dynamic photo? It is a photo that captures our attention by movement, activity or process and expresses energy. Today we will discuss how to create powerful dynamic images.

1. Use low angle and lines

If you are in the street and want to create more edgy images you should use leading lines around your target and shoot from a low angle. In addition you may use a flash to give more contrast and separate the target from the background.

2. Diagonals of the city

Practice your compositions with everything you see. Diagonal lines are everywhere in the cities now. They fill photos with movement.

3. Hands

Hand-gestures help us to communicate with each other. They are very dynamic. Integrate hands and hand-gestures in your photos. For example, when you are taking a photo of your friend, ask him to use hands to create the image of movement. He or she may put their hand against the window or near their face.

When you are shooting in the streets, ask questions about the time, outfit etc. This is a useful tip to get natural hand-gestures.

And of course, you can be just very attentive, watch people in the streets and shoot at the right moment.

4. Off-center subject

Put your target on the right or the far left of the frame. It will make the composition more dynamic and interesting to look at. And use a wide-angle lens.

5. Head-on subject

Again, use wide-angle lens and shoot head-on. Of course, you will almost walk into people but that will give you photos full of energy and movement.

6. Anti-symmetry

Symmetrical photos are good but not for dynamic photography. Look for anti-symmetry to add more life and excitement to your photos.

7. Unexpected

Use a wide-angle lens to take photos of unexpected situations which will be unordinary and unique. Integrate unusual objects and elements around you and your subject in your photo. Good luck!

10 tips how to shoot action and sports photography

  1. Sport photographers in Zurich present you with many opportunities to capture dramatic and vivid imagery that will last a lifetime. Practice makes perfect, ensuring them have a steady hand and are ready when the big play happens.
  2. Sport photographers in Zurich need to have a strong and instinctive understanding of a sport to really shoot it well. Soccer, hockey, tennis, golf, fighting, racing: it's all the same. They’re doing some research and knowing the sport will provide a big lift for their images.
  3. When shooting, the sport photographers in Zurich are original and try something different. By trying something different, they allow their great creativity to flourish and capture something that everyone else doesn't have.
  4. The photographers in Zurich advice never forget the surroundings. Whether it is a stadium full of cheering fans, to the tailgating outside, the surroundings present unique opportunities to capture the spirit of the game without shooting the action itself.
  5. A great shooter knows what is on the line for any given game, he knows the major players, he knows the sport, and he knows tendencies. The sport photographers in Zurich pay attention to what is going on in the stadium; maybe there's a fan who is dressed a certain way or has a funny sign that can be incorporated into a shot. The sport photographers in Zurich should have a running list in their heads of shots they want to get should the situation present itself, so that if and when it does, they're ready.
  6. Faces are one of the most important things in a sports image. Faces personalize and humanize the image; they connect the viewer to the moment and draw them in.
  7. When shooting professional or college sports, flash photography is typically strictly prohibited. Flash can distract the players and cause coaches to go crazy.
  8. The motto of the professional sport photographers in Zurich is:  “Shoot a lot, get critiqued a lot, correct your mistakes, and shoot some more”. Challenge yourself; look at images of photographers you admire, and go to a game with the mindset of trying to emulate something you like about their style. Find new ways to tell stories, and accept that you will probably fail a lot along the way.
  9. The sport photographers in Zurich keep the action tight, crop even tighter later. They lose extraneous and distracting elements; draw the viewer into the action.
  10. The sport photographers in Zurich advice not to stop shooting once the catch is made, and don't ever assume that a whistle means the play is over.

Best 10 Pieces Of Advice For Bride And Groom

If you are going to become husband and wife these pieces of advice are for you.

1. If you want to have a happy and long-term marriage, you have to be accountable for your part in the relationship — good or bad one.

2. Be flexible. Learn how to agree when you know you have been wrong. Learn how to disagree and prove you are right without a squabble.

3. Advice for men: women need to be listened to. Listening itself is a very important gift. But you can learn how to listen to your woman too. Advice for women: men need time for themselves. Give your man a space to be on his own and don't take it personally; allow him to reconnect with his desire for you and this will increase his commitment to your relationship.

4. One of the most common problems in relationships is trying to change your lover. Nobody will be happy to hear that he or she isn't the one you expected. Find reasons for such judgment in yourself first.

5. General problems such as boredom in the bedroom or resentment can be solved by talking and finding a solution that will satisfy you both. Just don't stop talking with each other and sharing your thoughts about everything that concerns you.

6. Never forget what being fair means. Have you been fair with your groom or bride till marriage? Are you going to be fair with your lover after the marriage day? If not, how can you start your family life? If yes, try always to be fair with your spouse.

7. Nothing is more important in a marriage than the love between a wife and husband. You will have children, careers, hobbies, trouble sets etc. But you have to remember that relationship is your top priority. Only in this case your marriage flourishes.

8. Never start talking with the word 'you', it's better to start with 'I' or 'we'. Share your emotions and feelings, always be open. It's not so easy as it sounds, but it gets easier to do with time. The proper beginning is vitally important.

9. Never stop dating. Regular going-outs with your spouse can rekindle the magic of your relationship. Dating will help you keep in mind why you first fell in love.

10. Don't forget to make compliments to your spouse! A compliment gives a feeling that you are acknowledged and appreciated. Making compliment isn't a hard thing, right? Especially for the person you love... So, make an effort to affirm your lover's value in your life, give him or her a little of your attention and love every day.

Die Schweiz - ein wahres märchen für den fotografen

Möchten Sie einen einzigartigen Ort finden, um die Fähigkeiten des Fotografen zu verbessern? Oder möchten Sie unvergessliche und attraktive Bilder machen? Aber haben Sie sich noch nicht für etwas entschieden können? In diesem Fall ist die Schweiz die beste Variante, wenn Ihre besten Erwartungen gerechtfertigt werden! Verschneite Alpen, Bergseen und majestätische Wälder - das sind nur einige Beispiele, in denen Sie die Fähigkeiten des Fotografen verbessern und die höchste Klasse in Ihrem gewählten Gebiet erreichen können. Und Sie werden die getroffene Wahl um keinen Preis bereuen!

Aber lohnt es sich, solch eine verführerische Perspektive aufzugeben? Für diejenigen, die daran interessiert sind, ist die Antwort sicherlich offensichtlich. In der Tat hat ein Fotograf in der Schweiz luxuriöse und einzigartige Möglichkeiten. Hier können Sie wirklich schöne und magische Aufnahmen machen, die für immer die sichtbaren Momente festhalten und später das Album des Besitzers schmücken. Und es ist nicht so wichtig, was der unberührten Natur vorgezogen wird, eine erstaunliche Mischung aus Altertum und Moderne oder die attraktiven Bilder von herausgeputzter Stammbevölkerung. In jedem Fall wird der Fotograf im Vorteil sein, indem er den Prozess und die erzielten Ergebnisse maximal genießen wird.

Einzigartige Sehenswürdigkeiten, die beachtenswert jedes Fotografen sind

Die Schweiz ist nicht nur hinreißende Berge, herrliche Seen und super zuverlässige Banken, sondern auch ein Land mit einer unglaublichen Anzahl an Sehenswürdigkeiten. Wer einmal hier war, wird diese Aussage bestätigen. Was sind nur Zürich, Bern, Genf, Basel und Luzern wert, die sowohl Anfänger als auch professionelle Fotografen überraschen können. Ihre reiche Geschichte und Kultur ist erstaunlich! Zweifellos wird eine solch schwindelerregende Palette den Bildern Freude bereiten und einen Anreiz zur Verbesserung der Fähigkeiten geben.

Während des Besuchs wird jede dieser Städte erstaunliche Aussichten und Panoramablicke bieten, die einfach nach dem Film „fragen“. Sie können das verlockende Tal der Wasserfälle nicht unbeachtet lassen - die wahre Perle eines gebirgigen Landes. An diesem Ort können Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten wirklich prüfen, indem Sie die noch nie gesehenen Kaskaden und in den Felsen geschnittenen Galerien fotografieren, und sogar den höchsten Wasserfall der Schweiz, dessen reizvolle Aussicht die Besucher vor Ort begeistert, fotografieren. Und um die Fotosession zu beenden, gehen Sie zu den alten und malerischen Schlössern und wählen Sie aus ihnen würdige Exponate für die Erinnerungskollektion aus.

Lifestyle photography, theoretical point of view :)

What do you feel when looking through beautiful pictures taken by professional photographers? Some of them are attractive from a technical point of view, while others engage due to an interesting idea or unusual story. But there are pictures driven by emotions - joy, love, romance, admiration, sadness, tenderness or whatever. There may be no "wow effect" of landscape photography, but looking at those pictures you really feel your emotions are involved. If you are looking for a photographer in Switzerland, who is able to tell your story in a natural and spontaneous, yet stylish manner, think of hiring of a lifestyle photographer.

Lifestyle photography is a stunning mix of the best qualities of event and portrait photography. As a lifestyle photographer in Zurich, you need to be ready for "catching the moment", while on the other hand, you should have an experience in working with lighting and composition. As the result, you have to create emotional pictures telling stories about individuality and uniqueness of human relations. This involves taking pictures of people making usual things in usual environment and behaving in a matter-of-course way. During photo shoots, a lifestyle photographer in Switzerland catches those important little details, habits, moments and emotions that our everyday life consists of.

Lifestyle photography is getting more and more popular all around the world, since it shows real people and conveys their true emotions as opposed to staged photography. The important idea of such portraits is that people can look real and sincere, and at the same time - beautiful in their naturalness. People do not pose, but live in shot, and while their memories of events become less detailed in course of time, emotions associated with these events are sealed in lifestyle photos forever.

Lifestyle photographer will find a beautiful story for a photo shoot in every day routine, like family having breakfast on a Sunday morning at home or some cute Zurich brunch place or a walk in a park near the house or playing with kids and pets right in the living room. The lifestyle photographer expertise is to feel relationships highly charged with emotions and to find a balance between true life and stage elements. This is quite a difficult task, but if handled correctly, the result is rewarding – unique, emotional and beautiful pictures telling real stories.

Working as a wedding and family portrait photographer, gives you an opportunity to travel a lot both around Switzerland and the world, visiting large cities and paradise islands, crowded places and out-of-the-way areas. When travelling, you find beautiful locations, learn authentic traditions, meet quaint characters, watch real-life situations – and this experience fills you with emotions and serves as a plentiful source of inspiration.  Lifestyle photography is blending portraits of people and events, urban landscape and wild life, then spicing this with fashion and colours, intimate details and emotions and finally getting a fascinating gallery of unique images that tell inspiring stories about our life. If you are in a search for a destination film photographer in Switzerland, who is able to tell your story in a natural and spontaneous, yet stylish manner, then I will be glad to help you through my experience and ideas.

Strong Points of a lifestyle photographer

·       is really passionate about travel photography, love stories, family portraits, and has plenty of creative ideas to share with you.

·       gets along well with adults and kids and that’s why your photo shoot is sure to be casual, relaxed and fun.  

·       knows the balance between directing and allowing things to go in the natural way – and this is how lifestyle photos are created.

Lifestyle photographer in Zurich